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Sexual Dysfunctions in Men. What can be done to possibly get better?
Sexual Dysfunctions (SD) effect many men. There are potentially many different dysfunctions and diagnosis. There can be many contributing...

Can “Phone Free Zones” (PFZ’S) Help Social Interactions? Are They a Pipedream?
Living in the modern tech age is not an easy thing. Succumbing to the habit of pulling out the cell phone in the presence of company to...

Why do people do what they do? The need to address the underlying problem with mass shooters.
First and foremost, this article is not pro right or pro left it’s pro America! In light of yet another horrific and unfortunate mass...

Some Practical Ways to Curb Anxiety
What is anxiety anyway? By definition anxiety is - a mental and physical reaction to a perceived threat. I myself understand the...

The Power of Mindfulness and Prayer on the Brain
Mindfulness – moment to moment awareness of one’s experience without judgement. Prayer - 1. a. A reverent petition made to God, a...

Empathy: Carl Rogers’ Legacy on Humanity and What He Taught Us About Being Real
In the last entry, I wrote about radical honesty, which is a form of communicating our feelings and thoughts with others, bypassing...

Radical Honesty In Relationships Anyone?
There is a concept running in certain philosophical circles that promotes honesty without filters in communication. Basically, the aim is...

Ever Wonder Why “Mean” Memes Are Created In Response To Current Events? I Do Too.
When I look at responses to current events on social media platforms and why certain headlines cause people to react in certain ways, it...
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